Scroll down for a selection of American flag pins in a variety of styles and sizes. Each American flag pin features a clutch-back. Choose from a variety of patriotic designs, including military flag pins.
Whether you need US flag pins to share your patriotism with employees or for an event to honor the United States, we have a great selection to meet your needs. Flag lapel pins typically ship in a fast 1-2 days.
TrophyCentral features low prices, bulk discounts and great customer service. Our experts in New York and Michigan have been providing help and guidance since 1999!
var jsonCustomizeDetails = { section : "Flag Pins", sectionid: "flaglapelpins", sections : new Array( ), items : new Array(
{ id: "amjaflpin", name: "American Japanese Flags", sku: "BR158-CM", price: "4.55", image: "" } ,
{ id: "heshflpin", name: "Heart Shaped Flag Pin", sku: "BR447-CM", price: "4.55", image: "" } ,
{ id: "br718-flag-with-star", name: "Shooting Star Pins with American Flag", sku: "BR718-CM", price: "4.55", image: "" } ,
{ id: "amflpinwiea", name: "United We Stand American Flag & Eagle Pins", sku: "BR446-CM", price: "4.55", image: "" } ,
{ id: "usgecrflpin", name: "US & German Crossed Flags", sku: "BR36-CM", price: "4.55", image: "" } ,
{ id: "usairfolapi", name: "US Air Force Flag Lapel Pins (BR Series)", sku: "BR156-CM", price: "4.55", image: "" } ,
{ id: "usarmyflagpins", name: "US Army Pins with American Flag", sku: "BR154-CM", price: "4.55", image: "" } ,
{ id: "usmausflpin", name: "US Marines Flag Lapel Pins", sku: "BR157-CM", price: "4.55", image: "" } ,
{ id: "usnavyflagpins", name: "US Navy Flag Lapel Pins", sku: "BR155-CM", price: "4.55", image: "" } ,
{ id: "ambrflpin", name: "USA & British Flags", sku: "BR113-CM", price: "4.55", image: "" } ,
{ id: "noname", name: "USA & Marine Flag Lapel Pins", sku: "BR173-CM", price: "4.55", image: "" } ,
{ id: "usflpiwistof", name: "USA Flag & Statue of Liberty Pin", sku: "BR108-CM", price: "4.55", image: "" } ,
{ id: "flagpins1", name: "Waving Flag Pin (Brass)", sku: "FLAG-tc", price: "3", image: "" } ,
{ id: "frlapin", name: "Waving Flag with Eagle Pins", sku: "BR480-CM", price: "4.55", image: "" } ) }